Movement and Trauma Healing: Reconnecting with Your Body

Lesson Summary

Embodiment and trauma often lead to bracing patterns in the body, causing constriction and tension. Movement is crucial to release this tightness and promote healing.

  • Practices like yoga and Tai Chi are excellent for engaging in movement in a mindful and embodied way.
  • Stretching is beneficial, focusing on each muscle and noticing the sensations.
  • Rhythmic activities such as walking and dancing help to reconnect with your body and instincts.
  • Embody movement in all activities whether it's tennis, swimming, or soccer; focus on sensations and being present in the moment.

When exploring movement for healing:

  • Start small with even tiny movements making a significant impact.
  • Focus on the sensations of movement, truly embodying the experience.
  • Respect your body's boundaries and listen to any signs of discomfort or pain.
  • Be patient as reconnecting through movement is a gradual process.

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